Outdoor Gear Innovation over the Years
Blizzards, downpours, gale-force winds — we know one thing for sure: good outdoor gear is the difference between well-being and adversity. Over the years, outdoor equipment has undergone many changes. But where did it all begin, and how did we get to the high-tech, weather-proof, and durable designs we take or granted today? Let’s explore the evolution of outdoor gear and take a brief look at how we're contributing.
Where It All Started
Rewind to the early 1900s, and outdoor gear was more “make-do” than “made for the wild.” Thick woolen sweaters, heavy leather boots, and canvas tents were the staples. Sure, they kept you warm (most of the time), but they soaked up water like a sponge and weighed more than a fully loaded backpack. Comfortable? Not so much.
The mid-20th century brought synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester into the spotlight. Invented in the 1930s and 1940s respectively, these materials were lightweight, quick-drying, and durable, revolutionising outdoor apparel and equipment. Adventurers could now travel further with less discomfort, marking the decline of waterlogged wool and cumbersome boots.

The Gore-Tex Revolution
Fast forward to the 1970s: enter Gore-Tex, the fabric that changed everything. Waterproof yet breathable, Gore-Tex gave outdoor enthusiasts what they had been dreaming of — a way to stay dry without sweating buckets. No more clammy raincoats or choosing between soaked or suffocated.
Building on this technology, we've incorporated eVent® fabric into our products. Known for its exceptional breathability and waterproofing, eVent® ensures you remain dry and comfortable, even in challenging weather conditions.

Advancements in Insulation
Insulation technology has also seen significant progress. Early explorers relied on bulky down coats, which, while warm, lost their insulating properties when wet. Modern synthetic insulations mimic the warmth of down but maintain their effectiveness in damp conditions.
Our range includes lightweight down insulation treated with hydrophobic coatings and we've even paired some with waterproof membranes. This combination offers the warmth of down without the worry of moisture. For those who prefer synthetic options, our advanced materials provide comparable warmth and continue to perform even when exposed to wet environments.

Design & Durability
Durability has always been a critical requirement for outdoor gear. Historically, equipment was prone to tearing and wearing out, often failing to withstand rugged terrains. Today, durability is not just expected but demanded.
With extensive experience in outdoor exploration, our team understands what works in real-world conditions. Every design is inspired by firsthand adventures and rigorously tested to ensure reliability in the harshest environments. You can trust our gear to meet the demands of your journey.

Why is waterproof gear so important?
Waterproof gear keeps you dry and comfortable, reducing the risk of hypothermia and allowing you to enjoy your adventure regardless of weather conditions.
How has outdoor gear become more sustainable over time?
Many brands, including us, are using recycled materials, PFC-free waterproofing, and eco-friendly production processes to reduce their environmental impact.
What should I look for in durable outdoor gear?
Look for features like reinforced stitching, abrasion-resistant fabrics, and products that have been tested in extreme conditions.